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Writer's pictureNicola Simpson

Do You See Me?

Learning Disability Week, our annual opportunity to raise awareness and understanding of learning disabilities. The theme for this year, “Do You See Me?”, challenges us to truly recognise and value the individuals behind the disabilities. It’s a call to action to ensure that people with learning disabilities are seen, included, and supported as active participants in our communities.

In this blog, I will share practical tips on how you can contribute this week. By focusing on themes such as understanding, collaboration, and empowerment, I aim to equip you with tools to support individuals with learning disabilities effectively. Join me in celebrating Learning Disability Week by learning how to see, include, and empower those with learning disabilities, helping them to thrive and contribute fully to society.

Each day of Learning Disability Week highlights a unique aspect of empowerment, collaboration, and visibility, all aimed at creating deeper engagement and inclusion within our communities.

Do You See Me?:

Learning Disability Week begins with “Do You See Me?”, encouraging support teams to focus on recognising and valuing the individuality of adults with learning disabilities:

  1. Personalised Communication

Take the time to listen to the individual’s thoughts, concerns, and preferences. Show genuine interest in what they are saying, which helps build trust and understanding.

Adapt your communication style to suit the individual's needs, whether that means using visual aids, simplified language, or assistive technology. Ensure that the individual feels heard and understood by acknowledging their perspective and providing positive reinforcement.

2. Individualised Support Plans

Develop support plans that are specific to the individual's strengths, interests, and goals. Involve them in the planning process to ensure their needs and aspirations are fully considered. Regularly review and amend support plans to reflect any changes in the individual's circumstances or goals. This ensures that support remains relevant and effective. Encourage the individual to make decisions about their own support and daily activities. This promotes autonomy and respect for personal preferences.

3. Promote Visibility and Inclusion

Acknowledge the individual’s milestones, no matter how small. This boosts their confidence and shows that their successes are celebrated. Ensure the individual participates in community activities. Encourage their participation and ensure that the environment is welcoming and accessible.

Raise awareness among peers and the broader community about learning disabilities. Advocacy helps reduce stigma and promotes a culture of acceptance and support.

Do You Understand Me?:

On the second day of Learning Disability Week, the focus shifts to “Do You Understand Me?”. Understanding individuals with learning disabilities is crucial for providing effective support:

  1. Effective Communication Techniques

Avoid jargon and complex sentences. Break down information into manageable chunks and use straightforward language to ensure understanding. Supplement verbal communication with visual aids, pictures, objects of reference. These tools can help clarify what is being said and support understanding. Regularly pause to confirm that the individual understands the information.

2. Training and Education for Support Teams

Provide ongoing training for support staff on learning disability and effective communication strategies. This equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and support individuals effectively. Ensure that support teams are trained in cultural diversity to recognise and respect the backgrounds and perspectives of individuals with learning disabilities. Establish systems for individuals and families to provide feedback on the support they receive. This helps teams identify areas for improvement and adapt their approaches accordingly.

3. Building Strong Relationships

Build a foundation of trust by being consistent, reliable, and respectful in all interactions. Trust is essential for open and honest communication. Dedicate time to get to know the individual’s interests, preferences, and challenges. Understanding their unique experiences helps tailor support more effectively. Approach each interaction with empathy and patience. Recognise that individuals may need more time to process information and respond.

Will You Work with Me?:

The theme of the third day of Learning Disability Week, “Will You Work with Me?” emphasises collaboration and partnership with individuals with learning disabilities:

  1. Foster Collaboration and Co-Production

Ensure that individuals are actively involved in making decisions about their support and services. This can be achieved through regular meetings, feedback sessions, and planning. Treat the individual as a partner rather than a passive recipient of support. Respect their insight and incorporate their suggestions into the planning and delivery of services. Work together to set shared goals that reflect the individual's aspirations and needs. Ensure that both individual and their support team have a clear understanding of these goals and the steps needed to achieve them.

2. ·      Enhance Team Dynamics

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the individual and their support team. This ensures everyone knows what is expected and can work together more effectively. Maintain open lines of communication through regular check-ins and updates. This helps to address any concerns promptly and keeps everyone on the same page.

Develop strategies for resolving conflict in a constructive manner. Encourage open dialogue and address issues collaboratively to maintain a positive working relationship.

3. Empowerment Through Skill Development

Work with the individual to identify their strengths and areas where they want to develop skills. Tailor support to build on these strengths and address any gaps. Offer access to training, workshops, and resources that can help individuals develop new skills. This could include vocational training, life skills workshops, or educational programs. Pair individuals with mentors who can provide guidance, encouragement, and practical advice. This enables a supportive learning environment and enhances confidence.

Do You Hear Me?:

On the fourth day of Learning Disability Week, the theme “Do You Hear Me?” emphasises the importance of truly listening to individuals with learning disabilities:

  1. Active Listening Techniques

Ensure that you are fully present when interacting with individuals. Minimise distractions, maintain eye contact, and show through your body language that you are engaged and attentive. Repeat back what the individual has said to confirm understanding. Use phrases like, “So what I’m hearing is…” or “It sounds like you’re saying…”. This helps to ensure that their message is accurately received. Create a safe and supportive environment that encourages individuals to share their thoughts and feelings openly. Use simple, open-ended questions to facilitate deeper conversations and allow them to express themselves fully.

2. Fostering Accessible Communication

Offer various ways for individuals to communicate their needs and preferences, such as verbal discussions, sign language, or communication devices. This ensures that everyone has a comfortable and effective way to be heard. Schedule consistent and frequent check-ins to provide opportunities for individuals to voice any concerns, feedback, or suggestions. This shows that their input is valued and taken seriously.

Implement systems that allow individuals to provide ongoing feedback about the support they receive. This can include suggestion boxes, surveys, or regular feedback meetings.

3. Empathy and Validation

Acknowledge the individual’s emotions and experiences. Use empathetic statements like, “I understand that this is important to you” or “It sounds like that was really challenging.”

 Avoid making assumptions about what the individual needs or feels. Instead, ask them directly and listen to their responses. Show that you have heard and understood by taking appropriate action based on what the individual has communicated. Follow up on their concerns and keep them informed about any steps being taken.

Do You Include Me?:

On the fifth day of Learning Disability Week, the theme “Do You Include Me?” focuses on ensuring that individuals with learning disabilities are fully included in all aspects of life and work:

1.     Inclusive Practices and Policies

Ensure that organisational policies and practices actively promote inclusion. This includes having clear guidelines on anti-discrimination, accessibility, and reasonable adjustments. Implement universal design principles in environments, materials, and activities to make them accessible to everyone. This includes physical accessibility, such as ramps and accessible restrooms, as well as cognitive accessibility, such as clear signage and easy-to-read materials. Provide ongoing training for staff on inclusion, diversity, and equality. This helps to create a culture of inclusion where everyone is aware of their role in promoting an inclusive environment.


2.     Encouraging Participation

Adapt activities and events to ensure they are accessible and enjoyable for individuals with learning disabilities. This might include providing additional support, adapting materials, or offering alternative ways to participate. Actively seek the input and ideas of individuals with learning disabilities when planning activities or making decisions that affect them. Involve them in, planning groups and feedback sessions to ensure their voices are heard. Create environments where individuals with learning disabilities feel welcome and valued. This includes social spaces, community centres, and workplaces that are designed to be inclusive and accommodating.

3.     Building a Supportive Community

Establish peer support hubs where individuals with learning disabilities can connect with others who have similar experiences. This fosters a sense of belonging and mutual support. Engage with the wider community to raise awareness and promote inclusion. Host events, workshops, and campaigns that highlight the importance of including individuals with learning disabilities in all areas of life. Regularly celebrate the diversity and contributions of individuals with learning disabilities. Highlight success stories, achievements, and positive examples of inclusion to inspire others and demonstrate the value of an inclusive community.

Will You Support Me?:

The final theme of Learning Disability Week, “Will You Support Me?”, emphasises the importance of providing consistent and effective support to individuals with learning disabilities:

  1. Individualised Support Plans Develop personalised support plans that take into account the individual’s unique needs, strengths, and goals. Involve them in the planning process to ensure that their preferences and aspirations are fully considered. Continuously review and update support plans to reflect any changes in the individual’s circumstances or needs. This ensures that support remains relevant and effective. Consider all aspects of the individual’s life, including their physical health, mental well-being, social connections, and personal development. Provide comprehensive support that addresses each of these areas.

2. Empowerment Through Skill Development

Work with individuals to identify their skills and areas for development. Provide opportunities for training, education, and personal growth to help them achieve their potential. Encourage individuals to take on new challenges and responsibilities. Support them in developing the confidence and skills needed to live more independently. Pair individuals with mentors or coaches who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement. This helps to build a supportive network and provides a source of inspiration and motivation.

3. Building a Strong Support Network

Involve families and carers in the support process. Keep them informed and engaged and provide them with resources and training to better support their loved ones. Connect individuals with community resources, such as social clubs, advocacy groups, and support services. These networks provide additional layers of support and opportunities for social engagement. Ensure that support is consistent and reliable. Build trust by being dependable and following through on commitments. Establish clear communication channels and be responsive to the individual’s needs.


Learning Disability Week helps us, as frontline teams, to reflect on specific themes and gain valuable insight on how to better support individuals with learning disabilities. Each day's focus has provided practical tips to empower, include, and understand those we support.  Learning Disability Week has provided us with a comprehensive understanding of how to better support individuals with learning disabilities. By focusing on seeing, understanding, working with, hearing, including, and supporting these individuals, we can create a more inclusive and supportive society. Let’s carry these lessons forward and continue to champion the rights and potential of people with learning disabilities every day.


How I Can Help You Make a Positive Difference:

As we wrap up Learning Disability Week, it’s essential to take these insights and put them into practice. Here’s how I can support you and your team in making a real difference:

Tailored Training Programmes:

Learning Disability and Hearing Loss

Gain in-depth knowledge and practical strategies for supporting individuals with both learning disabilities and hearing loss.

Empowerment and Person-centred Support

Learn how to develop individualised support plans that empower and respect the unique needs and aspirations of those you support.

Communication and Values

Enhance your communication skills and understand the core values necessary to foster a truly inclusive environment.

Valuable Resources:

eBook and Checklists

Access comprehensive guides and practical checklists on my website, designed to help you implement best practices in your daily work.

Digital Inclusion Workshop

Participate in an engaging and informative workshop that covers the latest tools and techniques for ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with learning disabilities.

These resources and training opportunities are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to provide exceptional support. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive and empowering environment for individuals with learning disabilities. Browse my website to explore these offerings and start making a positive impact today!



















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